
Chapter 6 Examples of Good report and Citation

The vast majority of writing reports can be broken down into the following constituent parts.

Sample of Citation

Chapter 5 Examples of book databases or journal databases.

Use a database to find articles on a topic.
Databases may provide complete articles or just a summary or abstract of the articles. They can also contain newspaper articles, reports, case law, statistics, financial data and more.

Chapter 4 Reference collections

  1. A Dictionary is a collection of words in one or more specific languages, often listed alphabetically, with usage information, definitons, etymologies, phonetics, procunciations, and other information.
  2. An encyclopedia is a type of reference work, a conpendium holding a summary of information from either all branches of knowledge or a particular branch of knowledge.
  3. Biographical dictionary is a listing of people, usually in alphabetical order of surname, providing details of dates, titles, birthplace, family, etc.
  4. Directory is a list of names of residents, organizations or firms in a city, region, country of intervationally.
  5. Atlas is a volume of maps or charts with or without explanations.
  6. Gazetteer is a geographical directory listing places, their locations and information about them.
  7. Yearbook is an annual publication containing current information in brief, descriptive and/or statistical form. 
  8. Almanac is an annual calendar with astronomical and other data.
  9. Manual is a book of instruction on doing, making or performing something.
  10. Handbook is a concise ready reference source of information for a particular field of knowledge.
  11. Bibliography is a list of related library materials of resources, usually subject related